Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kindle 3 - The New Features For the Kindle 3rd Generation (And What They Left Out)

The announcement for the Kindle 3 is now official, and no doubt orders for the new eReader are piling up by the thousands. For those of you who don't know what a Kindle is; simply put, it's an electronic book from Amazon which is about the height of a large novel and as slim as half a pencil. Is all the excitement for the Kindle 3 merited or is it just the same old device in a new graphite case? Let's look at what Kindle 3 brings to the table and what Amazon decided to leave out. However, before we do that we need to put some focus on the eReader market and what Amazon is trying to achieve with the Kindle.

Yes Amazon - it's a jungle out there

It's no surprise to say that Amazon is facing a very different world compared to when it first released the Kindle. The competition for the eReader market is getting crowded at both the budget end and the high-end. Additionally, there has been a lot of talk about "kindle-killers' which are looking to dethrone the Kindle king as the number one eReader. The Kobo eReader was released earlier this year, with a price tag significantly less than the Kindle at $149, and it will be news to nobody that Apple launched its attack into the eReader market with the media-rich iPad.

As well as a tough market, Amazon is faced with a strange situation where the implicit consumer demands are contradictory to the explicit demands. On the one hand, the unspoken implicit demands are telling Amazon that readers want an easy to use device that doesn't distract from the reading experience. Something very "book-like." On the other hand, the explicit demands are requesting a new state-of-the-art device with multi-media functionality, with touch screen technology, video viewing, etc...

How has Amazon responded to these challenges? Firstly, they weren't tempted to create an eReader which does everything and distracts from its main task; namely reading. The Kindle 3 has kept its simple interface and is still very "book-like". Secondly, Amazon has counter-attacked the budget eReaders entering into the market by launching two versions of the Kindle 3. These being, a Kindle with 3G Wifi ($189) and a Kindle with Wifi ($139). The Kindle 3G Wi-Fi device maintains the previous price tag of the Kindle 2 while adding a bunch of new functionality. The Kindle Wi-Fi undercuts a large majority of other eReaders on the market, while delivering a mature product which is backed up the Amazon book store with millions of titles to choose from.

Given the situation where Amazon finds itself, let's look at what features they put into the Kindle 3 and what they decided to leave left out.

Kindle 3 - what they put in.

Amazon focused on improving the Kindle's basic functionality, by letting the Kindle do what it does best: reading.

Amazon has improved on the readability of the device, which by all standards was already very good. They claim 50% better contrast than any other eReader, better readability under bright sunlight, and some new improved fonts to read your books with.

The physical device itself has also been improved. The size of the Kindle has been reduced while maintaining the same dimensions for the reading area. The battery life has also not been neglected. A simple charge can last up to one month.

The capacity for the Kindle 3 is now 3500 books which can be down loaded in under 60 seconds.

Wi-Fi is added to the 3G as a way of connecting with your Kindle so that you can browse the Amazon bookstore and the net with the new web-kit based browser.

Kindle 3 - what they left out

After the release of Apple's iPad the expectations for the Kindle were sky-high. In a nut-shell people wanted an Amazon iPad. Now that some time has passed, the iPad is a slightly less attractive as a device for reading books. People are realizing it's too heavy to hold for hours, and the display which is LCD is not easy on the eyes over long periods of time.

A lot of people were predicting color screens for the Kindle 3. There was a lot of sense with this, as there are currently a lot of eReaders coming to the market that have color. A non-color device next to a color device looks quite dull in comparison. However to include color is not as easy as first thought. This would involve leaving the e-Ink technology behind which is responsible for the "book-like" text on the Kindle display. A possibility is that the eInk technology could be radically improved to incorporate color into the display, but Amazon and there R&D teams are not there yet. Another alternative is to use LCD technology as found in the iPad, but then you increase eye-strain over long reading periods and the inability to read in direct sunlight.

Touch screen technology was another rumor that was circulation for the Kindle 3. It seems logical that readers can flick through the pages of an eBook by swiping screen of their device. Earlier this year Amazon brought Touchco, a New York start up that, which specializes in... yes you guessed right... touch screen technology. It seems that Amazon is moving in that direction, or at least investigating the possibility to include this type of interface in the future.

Lastly, another conspicuous absence is innovation. Amazon was 100% right to focus on the core features for the Kindle. However, it could have added at least one new innovative feature to the device. The eReader market is no longer a side-show; it's a central part of Amazon's strategy and sales volumes. Ebook sales have passed hard-cover sales, and the CEO of Amazon Jeff Bezos, recently predicted that eBook sales will exceed paperbacks in the next 12 months. Given the importance of this market and the resources to develop these products, it is not unreasonable to expect the unexpected. A possible example of a new innovation might be to develop the social networking functionality for the Kindle. The Kindle has integrated networking with Facebook and Twitter, however there exists a lot more scope within the social networking for people who are passionate about authors or subject areas and want to share their thoughts about what they read. Another example could be location based services, where content is delivered to your Kindle depending on where you are in the world. These are just a couple of examples, which may not be even practical after a "real-life" analysis has been conducted, but they do show that the Kindle could think out of its new graphite colored box, and get more creative.

Kindle 4?

The Kindle 3 has successfully improved on an already mature product, in response to increasing tough market conditions and growing consumer demands. While the Kindle 3 will not surpass expectations, it nevertheless provides an improved reading experience that will not disappoint. Jeff Bezos recently declared that the Kindle is in for the long haul and that he expects that there will be dozens more generations of Kindle ahead. Let's hope that the Kindle 4 will do that little bit more than the Kindle 3.

Christopher Auriol is an author for, your one-stop shop for information about the Amazon Kindle. Visit for more information about the Kindle 3 and an impartial comparison of eReaders available on the market. Kindle Ready also provides information on Kindle resources and where to find Kindle content.

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